Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program


Earn As You Learn – Pay As You Earn

“We get paid as you get paid.”

15% of Gross Commission Income of Fifty Listings That Sell and Close.

When you enroll in the Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program, your per-agent fee for the entire training and coaching is 15%* of the Gross Commission Income (GCI) of fifty (50) listings that sell and close.

Real Estate is a fantastic career choice for agents who understand the huge value becoming experts at listing residential properties.

In most health, legal and business professions, people enroll in advanced studies for three to six years and graduate with $200,000 or more in student loan debt before they are permitted to get paid in the practice of their new profession.

By enrolling in The Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program presented by The Listing Solution Institute, real estate agents can graduate as Certified Listing Experts with Bachelor or Master of Listing Diplomas in about 18 months and have earned upwards of $200,000 and have ZERO student loan debt.


Course NameRegular Feew/Certified Listing Expert Program
Persuasive Message Card Course$2,495$495
Sellers Win Big Course$2,495Included
Four Minute Listings Course$444Included

Because all participants must have some monthly ‘skin in the game’, a small Monthly Minimum is required, These monthly minimums do not raise the cost of the program; they are simply advance payments towards your total and are required any and every month in which The Listing Solution Institute does not receive a payment from one or more of of your Sold-Listing closings.

You have the option of paying a Monthly Minimum of $125 at 18% of GCI, OR ….the standard Monthly Minimum of $250 per month at 15% of GCI, OR … a Monthly Minimum of $500 at 12% of CCI.

Because you will pay only when listings are sold and closed, your actual cost for the entire program is ZERO because the payments come from transactions you would not have had except for the training and coaching.

Once you have learned the strategy for getting sellers above average prices and full value most of the time, you can apply that strategy in every price range.

• Listings taken at average prices for your area …
• Listings taken in higher priced neighborhoods…
• listings of upscale properties obtained in very pricey areas.

To earn the Bachelor of Listing or Master of Listing Diplomas, you will be encouraged to list properties at twice your average values, at three times you average values, and even four times your average values. See Requirements for Certification and Diplomas for details.

Because of the higher property values, your total commission income could equal the commissions from 70 or even 80 average property closings.

*Your broker must agree to deduct the agreed amount from the Gross Commission Income on the transaction and forward to LSI along with a copy of your Monthly Earnings Report, or Trade Sheet, simultaneously with issuing your commission payments.

The Standard Fee is 15% when your broker agrees to deduct, or 20% if your broker does not agree to deduct, or you do not give your broker authorization to deduct.

If you are your own broker, the fee is 20% of GCI on your listings sold.

For legal purposes, the LSI amounts are for Training and Coaching drawn against your share of the commission and not as a direct share of the GCI.