Good News:

You can sell your residential property for full value if you do four things right:

List with the Right Agent;

List at the Right Price at the beginning;

Offer the Right Commission at the beginning,

and Prepare your property for Maximum Showability.

Everything starts with the Right Agent. You must list with an agent who is fully trained in the special strategies needed for you to enjoy a faster-than-average sale at Full Value.

Full Value is usually 3% to 5% above average selling prices.

Bad News:

Ninety percent of sellers do not get Full Value when selling their residential properties.

Annual statistics constantly show that whenever ten residential properties of equal value sell, there will almost always be a ten percent difference between the lowest selling price and the highest selling price.

Owners who list with average agents usually sell at average prices, which are 3% to 5% less than full value prices.

Typically, when the average selling price was, for example, $400,000, the lowest selling price was $380,000 and the highest selling price was $420,000.

Keep in mind that all ten houses could have sold for the same price. That means the sellers who sold at average prices could have sold for $420,000 if they had done exactly the same things as the seller who sold for 420,000.

Want to read the whole strategy?

Order an e-copy of More Money In Your Pocket, for $20.00.

The wise instructions in this little book will give you a near-perfect chance of selling your residential property for 1% or 2% above the average selling prices in your area. That is most likely a lot more than $20.