Where Agents get 5 years of valuable experience in 90 days

If you take a different approach to training, you can learn 5 years of listing languagr and strategies in your first 12 months.

At conventional listing workshops, conventions, and conferences, you meet with a group of agents at a designated site for a few days — or a week or two. While there, you hear various high producers demonstrate their presentations and strategies for various listing situations, then perhaps break off in small groups for more discussions on the subjects just covered.

Even if such sessions are very informative and inspiring, they are not training since you are not memorizing and rehearsing key listing language and strategies.

Listing Skills, just to be very clear, means instant recall and instant ability to say exactly what needs to be said at the moment your sellers needs to hear to decide to list with you.

In our unique Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program we give you the knowledge, practice,and coaching you need to gain the listing skills that you can use immediately … and for the rest of your life.

  1. You will become skilled at new ways to find good listing leads.
  2. You will become skilled at new ways to convince sellers to list with you.
  3. You will become skilled at new ways to convince your sellers to list at the right price.
  4. You will become skilled at new ways to convince your sellers to offer above-average commissions.
  5. You will become skilled at new ways to get Instant Rapport.
  6. You will become skilled at new ways to win the listing in competitive situations.
  7. You will become skilled at making strong ‘four-minute listing’ presentations.
  8. You will become skilled with new ways to handle stalls, objections, and other difficult listing situations and occasions.
  9. And, most important, you will know that you are bringing real value to the table because you are guiding your sellers to sell at above-average prices.

You will meet on Zoom with a group of agents for 90 minutes every day for 60 days. Each day, after a brief demonstration of specific language to be mastered, you will meet in Zoom Rooms, also called ‘break-out rooms’ where you will practice with another agent – your Practice Partner for the day.

This is way cool.  90 minutes a day for two months is a whole lot better than 90 hours in two weeks. (And way, way, way better than nothing at all.)

Our goal is to have you be Fearless, Confident, and Ready for all listing situations in 60 days. *** You will like the feeling! ***

One of the major flaws of conventional real estate instruction is the lack of practice. You are told something important and useful to get listings and, although you conceptually understand it, without sufficient practice, the instant you need it. three months later, you cannot think of it, or repeat it accurately enough, or confidentially enough to win the listing.

Lots and lots of practice is the only remedy.

So we meet on Zoom for 90 minutes every weekday for 60 days. We introduce key language to learn, and then you practice with a practice partner for while; then a short demo of another important item, and another practice session. We will do that for 60 days.

This is called Interval Training, a/k/a Spaced Repetition

Interval Training is the fastest way to become an expert at anything.

Practice and repetition are the keys to having the instant recall and accuracy you need for top performance.

In the Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program we make time for you to develop Muscle Memory. Your brain is a muscle. It takes time and repetition to etch new strategies and new word patterns in your brain so they are available for instant recall when needed.

it takes time to mentally digest what you are learning.

We also allow time for you to ask questions so you are absolutely clear about exact word choice; what words to say and how to say them. There is time to practice at each session and between sessions. (And to become an expert faster, maybe a little bit more practice on your own just before you go to bed, or first thing in the morning.) Instant recall of the right things to say is what will make you Different and Better than your competition.

Like we said at the beginning: If you take a different approach to training, you can earn 5 years of listing income in your first 12 months.

That’s how you get five years of experience in 60 days, in case you had any doubts.

Imagine the confidence you’ll have calling on By-Owners, Expireds and other listing prospects; especially where the prospects are important or rich, or otherwise out of your comfort zone.

Imagine your confidence when you know you know all the answers!


You will gain that kind of confidence by enrolling in the Certified Listing Expert Coaching Program.

Do it right NOW. You will be glad you did … especially when you start getting two and three big commissions every month.


Guarantee: Private and group coaching until you have earned five times the cost of the Certified Listing Expert Coach